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What We Do

Campaign Development

Creating campaigns to support business objectives

A campaign exists to solve a problem and to realise opportunities.


The starting point for any campaign should be an understanding of what are you looking to achieve, whether it be sales, brand awareness or customer insights, you need a concrete goal in mind. This will give you a yardstick by which to measure your success.

Then learn how to construct and deliver your message

Right person: In order to get the best results you need to use your available data to ensure you're contacting the right people. This could be your transactional data or from previous customer insights. Understanding your segmentations means you can more accurately target your customers.


Right message: The best campaigns have a strong theme which works towards your goal. Tailor the message to fit their requirements. Are they a new customer? Then they need to learn what you have to offer. Whereas a returning or repeat customer is in the middle of their journey with you and the preliminaries can be skipped.

Successful campaigns all have one thing in common

The right person,
The right message,
The right time

Right time: This is simply down to when you want to achieve your goals and can be considered around external factors such as bank holidays or key spend periods. Are there external factors such as Christmas which could affect how the campaign runs?


It is important to design every aspect of your campaign, know your channels and choose the one which works best for you, whether that be email, SMS or a direct mail campaign. Be clear on your USPs and call to action, you want to be sure your customer knows why they should interact with you and what to do with the information you’ve given them.


Effective, informed planning takes you through every step of the campaign and gives you the basis from which to review. This allows you to establish whether you’ve solved your problem and improved sales, increased brand awareness or gained further customer insights. Knowing what has worked and what hasn’t gives you the opportunity to refine and repeat the campaign as well as ensure that future campaigns are as smart and on point as they can be.

Case Study

New Campaign Development


Our client provided the broad brief of looking at possible opportunities within the business, finding a group of customers within their data who would benefit from a direct mail campaign  

By analysing a number of metrics we identified a segment of customers that used multiple outlets but fell within the definition of being a low spender. Further profiling showed that it contained a high proportion of core customers that did not spend enough to be considered as using the brand as their main supplier. This segment was also validated against external data sources and with staff in outlets to bring real world knowledge and confirm these were core type customers that fit with the business strategy.  


Analysis of the segment profile and sales behaviour shaped the campaign brief, guiding the creative and providing clarity over the type of messaging and the call to action, highlighting: 


  • These low spenders were a core customer type, proving low spenders and cash customers could form part of the target market (contrary to accepted belief) 

  • Being a core customer type, they had the propensity to buy 

  • That in using multiple outlets they were already familiar with how to spend, removing the need for space in the creative to be used for educating people on how to use outlets 

  • That staff in the outlet were not recognising these customers as part of their target market so the campaign had to help these customers show themselves as serious prospects 

  • Even though the size of the network and number of locations was a brand USP, it had significantly less importance on the creative as these customers already knew this 


The resulting campaign was a highly personalised piece of direct mail that contained a discount voucher that was specific to this segment of customers. It was designed to fulfil 2 objectives based on the analysis and the research, get the customer’s attention and get the outlet staff’s attention. 


Post campaign analysis showed an incremental increase in sales amongst this customer segment of over £1m. Not only did the campaign have an immediate impact on sales, but it helped change the behaviour of some of these customers, generating long term loyalty. Further success came in the form of an industry award for the Best use of Direct Mail.

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